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Corporate Digital Mailroom Solution – End Paper Mail

Put an end to the paper mail that bogs down your enterprise. Eco-mail turns your physical mail into digital assets – streamlining and accelerating all your transactional and operational correspondence. Enjoy huge gains in efficiency, productivity, and responsiveness. And the potential of twenty, thirty – even $50 million in annual savings. Table of contents: Paperless…

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Mail Compliance vs Physical Mail. Is Traditional Mail the Wild West of Compliance?

Mail Compliance vs Physical Mail. Is Traditional Mail the Wild West of Compliance? Recently, I was talking about digital mail with a woman who runs compliance for a large financial institution. I was talking about the increased responsiveness, decreased cost and added controls of digital mail when she said, “Trust me. I get it. Physical…

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It’s 10 PM – Do you know where your mail is?

Paper mail and digital mail – threats. Why choose digital correspondence? It’s 2018, and physical mail really should be a thing of the past – but it isn’t. The USPS still sent 27 billion pieces of B2B paper mail in 2016, and it hasn’t abated. In all likelihood, this means your company still receives a massive…

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If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.

Graph corporate future growth

If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it In 2016, the USPS delivered 27 billion pieces of B2B mail. Here and now, in the digital age, that’s a lot of paper – and it’s being distributed to pretty much every corner of your organization. Moving all that physical mail is expensive, probably much more expensive than you think. But…

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Paper mail isn’t personal anymore. But it hasn’t gone away, either.

Digital transactional mail – why is it better than traditional paper correspondence? When we at Eco-Mail sell the benefits of digital mail, we talk to a lot of business executives. If they aren’t operations-oriented, when we elaborate on the needless waste of time, effort, and money that paper mail inflicts on their businesses, they often…

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Paper Mail Costs More than You Think. What Are the Corporate Mail Costs?

Paper Mail Costs More than You Think. What Are the Corporate Mail Costs? The physical mail that flows into and throughout your enterprise is incredibly inefficient and drives substantial unnecessary costs. But why has it been so hard to rid this particular logjam from an otherwise digitally streamlined flow of commerce and how much does corporate…

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