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Audit Trail – Security Control and Transparency at Your Fingertips

Audit Trail – Security Control and Transparency at Your Fingertips Physical mail has been around forever. In a world that has largely gone digital over the past thirty years, the United States Postal Service still delivers over 25 billion pieces of business to business (B2B) mail every year. Today more than ever, digitizing your mail…

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How does robotic process automation affect mail?

How does robotic process automation affect mail? What is automated mail processing and how can it impact your business? If you are afraid of changes, in today’s entry we’ll show you that getting with the times does more good than harm! Although robots aren’t coming to your office anytime soon, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is…

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Why should a digital mail solution fit your business needs?

Why should a digital mail solution fit your business needs? Custom inbound mails digitization seems like it should be simple – just scan it and you’re done, right? – but, as always, the devil is in the details. Mail reaches into every corner of your business, across departments with diverse tasks. And in the same…

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What the heck is a “Post-Delivery, Content-Based Sub-Sort?” And why should you care?

Traditional mailing

Why the heck is a “Post-Delivery, Content-Based Sub-Sort” and why should you care? Call me crazy, but I love talking about post-delivery, content-based sub-sorts. Yes, it’s a mouthful. And, yes, when I first mention it, I usually get responses that range from, “What language are you speaking?” to “How soon can we end this meeting?”…

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Everything you do is digital. Why not your mail?

digital mailroom

Everything you do is digital, why not your mail? A mere 35 years ago, in 1980, your enterprise was completely paper-driven. No PCs, no Internet, no email. Maybe there was a mainframe or two hidden in a data center, but you were barely aware of it. If you were a bank, say, your tellers stuck…

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Digital Mail Models: the Solution is a Platform, not a Destination

Digital Mail Models: the Solution is a Platform, not a Destination Gone is the era when all bills and correspondence were delivered to your mailbox by the USPS in a little white truck, but we haven’t yet reached an age in which digital mail has effectively replaced physical mail. This leaves today’s consumers stuck in…

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